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HomeTechnologyPS5 Pro in the Works: 'Project Trinity' Rumors Gain Momentum

PS5 Pro in the Works: ‘Project Trinity’ Rumors Gain Momentum

Recent reports suggest that Sony is not only working on the much-discussed PlayStation 5 Slim, a sleeker version of their current-gen console, but they are also actively developing the PS5 Pro. These exciting rumors have surfaced from insider sources, indicating that the Pro version will bring even more advanced features and is rumored to be slated for release next year.

Among the insiders shedding light on this exciting development is Benji-Sales, who shared insights on Twitter about Sony’s ongoing efforts to introduce a mid-cycle refresh for the PS5, similar to the introduction of the PS4 Pro in the last generation. Notably, another respected leaker, Tom Henderson, has corroborated these claims.

According to insider reports, the codenamed ‘Project Trinity’ for the PS5 Pro has been in active development since the beginning of 2022. Game developers can expect to receive development kits for this new variant, signaling that Sony is making substantial progress toward its release.

The anticipation for an official announcement intensifies, as the potential revelation may coincide with the highly awaited launch of the Ryzen 8000 Series processors, expected to take place in the same timeframe. While the exact timing of these events remains uncertain, the prospect of USB4 technology on the horizon fuels excitement in the gaming community.

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Promising a more immersive gaming experience, the PS5 Pro is rumored to come equipped with accelerated Ray-Tracing capabilities. This advancement is expected to support impressive display resolutions, including 8K Performance mode or 4K with a consistent and smooth frame rate.

While Sony already claims that the non-Pro PS5 can deliver games at 4K 120FPS, the Pro version’s upgraded performance capabilities are poised to elevate the gaming experience to new heights. Moreover, insiders hint at an enhanced memory speed of 18000MT/s for the PS5 Pro, a significant boost compared to the standard PS5’s 14000MT/s. Additionally, the number of Work Group Processors (WGP) is expected to increase to 30, effectively doubling the compute units from the existing PS5’s configuration of 30 compute units.

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As anticipation grows for the unveiling of the PS5 Pro, speculation surrounding its pricing remains a topic of interest. While insiders have not disclosed any details about the cost, gamers are eagerly awaiting further information to make their assessments. Meanwhile, competitors like Microsoft face the challenge of devising strategies to respond to Sony’s potential game-changing upgrade. Despite the exciting prospects, Xbox’s leadership has indicated that they are not ready to introduce a new console anytime soon, leaving gamers keenly focused on Sony’s next move.

With ‘Project Trinity’ progressing steadily, the PlayStation community eagerly awaits confirmation from Sony on the PS5 Pro’s official announcement. The prospect of USB4 technology, advanced Ray-Tracing capabilities, and upgraded hardware specifications signal a bold step forward in the world of gaming consoles. As the stage is set for Sony to unveil their plans, gamers and tech enthusiasts alike eagerly anticipate the dawn of a new era in gaming with the highly-anticipated PS5 Pro.



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