Meta has announced plans to soon add WhatsApp to its Account Center, allowing users to cross-post their WhatsApp Status updates directly to Instagram or Facebook Stories automatically.
Adding WhatsApp to the Meta Account Center will be optional and disabled by default. Users will need to link their WhatsApp account to enable this cross-posting feature.
Once linked, users can activate automatic cross-posting to Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories, or both. This setting will be accessible under the Status settings menu, including a shortcut in the Status upload editor.
Meta has clarified that linking WhatsApp to the Account Center will not alter its existing privacy policies. Messages and calls on WhatsApp will remain protected with end-to-end encryption and will not be accessible to anyone.
In the future, Meta aims to leverage the Account Center for further cross-platform integration. Features such as avatars, AI-generated stickers, and Imagine Me creations will be accessible in one centralized location.
The Meta Account Center already supports Instagram and Facebook, enabling seamless cross-posting between the two platforms. This feature has helped users save time by sharing content across multiple platforms simultaneously.